Use as a project base

borrow-ui can be used as a monorepo project base. It is already configured to use the ui package inside the other packages.

This project is setup to work with yarn workspaces.

The following packages are included:

  • ui: the components library;
  • documentation: components and website documentation;
  • website-next: public website presenting the project;
  • dashboard-backbone: a dashboard backbone example; TODO #4

yarn manages all the cross references between different packages through the workspaces functionality.


Quick start
curl -LJO;
unzip && mv borrow-ui-master my-ui-name;
cd my-ui-name;
find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i 's/borrow-ui/my-ui-name/g';
yarn workspace @my-ui-name/documentation run storybook

Step by step

Download and rename the project

Download the latest zip here and extract the content, for example in ~/Downloads/borrow-ui-master.

  1. Copy and rename the package anywhere, i.e. in ~/repositories/my-ui-name;
  2. Delete the packages you don't need, for example packages/website-next;

Now, with your favourite editor (a script is planned) rename all the occurrencies of borrow-ui to my-ui-name.

Alternatively, if you are using Linux (even WSL), you can launch the following command:

find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i 's/borrow-ui/my-ui-name/g'

Install dependencies

From the main folder, run:

yarn # this will install all the dependencies

Initialize the git repository (optional)

As a good practice, initialize the folder as a repository and set a remote origin; if you are using GitHub, you can create an empty repository directly on the website and the run the following command:

git init
git add
git commit -m "Started project from @borrow-ui"
git remote add origin<USERNAME>/<REPOSITORY>.git
git push -u origin master

Start developing the components

The packages/ui folder contains the components and their styles, along with the tests.

There are few commands you can use to develop your components. From packages/ui folder, you can run:

  • yarn watch to start build and watch for file changes. This option is the preferred one during development, so you can immediatlely see the changes when importing the project from other packages. This version is not minified, but does not include peer dependencies (like react-select or react-media), so they must be installed in your application if you want to use the relative components. For a list of all peer dependencies, see "peerDependencies" section in the package.json file;
  • yarn test --watchAll to run tests and watch for changes.

Production commands are very similar to the standard list of commands for any React project:

  • yarn build to build the component library and allow the other packages to use it. This version is minified and contains only the components and flexboxgrid2, so all other packages must be installed in your application (see "peerDependencies" section in the package.json file);
  • yarn test to launch the tests without watcher;


The packages/documentation folders contains this guide backbone and the Storybook configuration files. Two commands are available:

  • yarn storybook to start Storybook server in development mode. This allows you to develop your components without the watcher or other projects as it looks for changes in your folders. Remember to document your components! (...and to restart the dev site when you add new components/docs files)
  • yarn build-storybook to build the documentation for production.

It is also possible to start Storybook from the project root:

yarn workspace @my-ui-name/documentation run storybook

Add new packages

Since we are using yarn workspaces, new packages must be added with a specific command. For example, if you want to add react-dropzone dependency to website-next package, run this command from the main folder:

yarn workspaces @borrow-ui/website-next add react-dropzone


  • @borrow-ui/website-next is the name of the website package as defined in website's package.json file under name;
  • react-dropzone is the name of the new dependency.

You can add -D or --dev flag to install the dependency as a Dev Dependency.

To remove a package, use remove instead of add:

yarn workspaces @borrow-ui/website-next remove react-dropzone