Project Structure

This project is based on yarn workspaces. This tool allows to organise the project as a monorepo, have a minimal impact on installed dependencies and link the packages inside the project with a minimal effort, without the need to publish them.

Having different packages allows to re-use the same compnent library in different projects, or be ready to do so in the future.

If you do not plan to expand your project with different packages, you might want to include this component library instead of using this repository as a base.

This monorepo has the following structure:


You can notice that there are different package.json files, on two levels:

  • the one at the top level tells to yarn where to find the packages and define the main folder as a private package, to prevent accidental pushes to a registry;
  • the ones inside the packages folders are the "standard" package.json files, with the commands and dependencies valid for the related package.

Inside the packages you can add other packages as dependencies and yarn will be smart enough to link them. The main package of this project is the ui package (it's full path is borrow-ui/packages/ui).

Go to the next section to see how it is organised.